Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd. is a leather goods company integrating design, production and sales. We specialize in all kinds of leather bags for men and women. The founder has 15 years of experience in the leather goods industry. Most of the production workers have done 20 for years in the leather goods industry. Expert in leather goods production for many years. We can accept OEM and ODM orders from customers all over the world. Our company more than 100,000 pieces in stock, and can provide a large number of stocks to wholesalers and retailers within 24 hours, and our company has professional photography artists The team can provide professional pictures and videos to e-commerce customers, and can provide preliminary e-commerce training services and drop shipping services, and can accompany new customers who want to do leather goods business to grow together.Working together and sharing growth is the company's value, and we look forward to cooperation and win-win with friends from all over the world!
Our position
Guangzhou Marrant Leather Company
Room 513, 1 floor, No. 28 Tongya East Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou